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Place-based tenders, job adverts, calls for evidence and engagement

This page is maintained by the Institute of Place Management, drawing various place-related opportunities from a variety of sources, including Contracts Finder in the UK, and from our Membership network. These opportunities are also shared with our Members via a quarterly bulletin.

If you would like to include an opportunity on this list, please contact


Consultancy services for the BID Foundation

We are looking within the IPM membership for a high calibre consultant who has extensive knowledge of Business Improvement Districts to provide capacity to TBF to ensure compliance with its 2022/3 delivery plan and increase membership.

Read more here. Deadline for applications 10th April.


Transforming Places Symposium

Tourism Places: Visitor Economies and Mobilities in an Age of Crisis

Faculty of Business & Law, Manchester Metropolitan University,

7th–8th June 2023, at The International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Manchester, UK

Read more here 

For more information, please contact Dr Raoul Bianchi and Dr Maarja Kaaristo



For Cardiff: Evening and Night-Time Manager / Business Engagement Officer – Retail

Two opportunities to join the team at For Cardiff BID, delivering on night time economy projects and working in partnership with people across the city’s nightlife, and building relationships with retailers to help them get the most from the BID’s work.

Read more here and express your interest.


Heritage Impact Assessment - Herefordshire [view]

This tender relates to the Council's requirements in relation to the preparation of a heritage impact assessment on strategic site allocations for the emerging Local Plan Part 1 which will include taking account of place-based policies for Hereford and the Market Towns. Closing date – 15th Feb


Bournemouth and Poole Town Centres Building Heights Strategy [view]

The study will need to take into account the existing townscape qualities including heritage assets, key views and character whilst considering the aspirations for town centre regeneration and opportunities to help address our challenging housing needs. The recommendations of the strategy should consider what building heights are appropriate in different parts of the town centres seeking to avoid adverse impacts while supporting successful placemaking and regeneration. Closing date – 24th Feb


Peaky Blinders (Studio) Attraction Feasibility Study [view]

There is existing evidence of market failure (there are frequent requests from press and travel trade for Peaky experiences), and with a Peaky Blinders film expected to film in the region in 2023, there is a significant opportunity to associate West Midlands' destinations with a strong Birmingham and West Midlands identity for a core market segment (experience seekers). West Midlands Growth Company are seeking a feasibility study which advises on the viability of a permanent Peaky Blinders themed visitor attraction / experience being located in Birmingham. Closing date – 16th Feb


Strategy Development: Collaborative Partners for the Refresh of Wigan Council's Strategy [view]

Wigan Council aims to commission collaborative partner(s) to work on the development of a refreshed strategic vision. This will be to provide expertise and act as critical friend as we refresh our strategic intent. Due to the wide scope of the commission, we are likely to work with a number of organisations with varying areas of expertise to support on the process. Closing date – 17th Feb

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